Bulletin Board

Post Date Detail
HKIOA 2024 AGM - Chairman's Report for 2023-2024 16-5-2024
Sounding Board - May 2024 13-5-2024
Draft Proceedings of the 2023 HKIOA AGM 22-04-2024
Guidance Note (GN) on the Preparation of Construction Noise Impact Assessment under EIAO 12-03-2024
Practice Note for the Planning of Residential Developments Against Road Traffic Noise (PN 4/23) 29-10-2023
HKIOA 2023 AGM - Chairman's Report for 2022-2023 22-5-2023
Draft Proceedings of the 2022 HKIOA AGM 2-5-2023
Sounding Board - October 2022 30-10-2022
HKIOA 2022 AGM - Chairman's Report for 2021-2022 18-05-2022
Draft Proceedings of the 2021 HKIOA AGM 25-04-2022